Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

Interessant! Sib. Ginseng bei Asthenospermie (zu langsame Spermien)

irgendwie liegt die Idee nahe, dass eine Pflanze, die Stressfolgen mindert auch die Fruchtbarkeit fördert.

Somehow an obvious idea: a plant that reduces stress related probs should be able to improve fertility, at least indirectly.

Amplify’d from

[Extract of acanthopanacis senticosus improves sperm motility of asthenospermia patients in vitro]

To study the effect of different concentrations of the extract of acanthopanacis senticosus on human sperm motility in vitro and to investigate its possible mechanism.
The extract of acanthopanacis senticosus can improve the sperm motility of asthenospermia patients in vitro and its optimal concentration is 10 g/L. The study may provide a new drug therapy for asthenospermia.

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